'Pru Sweevant' Star Wars EP7
'Blunder' Legend
'Stunts' The Hobbit
‘Nambi Ghima’ StarWars EP9
‘Scale/Stunt Frodo’ LOTR
‘Scale/Stunt Bilbo’ LOTR
'Teedo' Star Wars EP7
‘Scale/Stunt Frodo’ LOTR
'Perspective Double' Superman
‘Scale/Stunt Frodo’ LOTR
'Chamberlien' Dark Crystal
'upside down droid' Star Wars EP6
'Executioner's Assistant' The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
'creature' Andor (Star Wars)
'Abu' Indiana Jone Raiders of the lost Ark
Worzel Gummidge
'Bolem' The People That Time Forgot
'Blunder' Legend
GWR - Wing Walking
'Oolin Musters' Rogue One Star wars
'Executioner's Assistant' The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
‘Scale/Stunt Frodo’ LOTR
Alfa Romeo
‘Brethupp’ StarWars ROTJ EP6
'Main Elf' There's something in the barn
'Neepers Panpick' Star Wars EP8
'Goblin Scribe' The Hobbit
'Blunder' Legend
'Emoji' Doctor Who (Smile)
'Granik' - Andor (Star Wars)
'Teedo' Star Wars EP7
'Ginarrbrik' The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
'Oolin Musters' Rogue One Star wars
'Abu' Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark
'Little Boss' Bullseye!
'junk minion' Star Wars EP7
‘Jen’ Dark Crystal
'Karjj' Solo Star Wars
'Ginarrbrik' The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
‘Scale/Stunt Bilbo’ LOTR
'Ginarrbrik' The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
Short Film Co-Directed with Kit Shah
'Oolin Musters' Rogue One Star wars
‘Scale/Stunt Frodo’ LOTR
‘Baby Landslider’ Dark Crystal
'Ginarrbrik' The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
‘Gonk Droid’ StarWars EP9
‘Scale/Stunt Merry’ LOTR
‘Power Droid’ StarWars EP9
'Bolem' The People That Time Forgot
Pipex Ad
'Blunder' Legend
Short Film Co-Directed with Kit Shah
'Emoji' Doctor Who (Smile)
‘Jen’ Dark Crystal
'Teedo' Star Wars EP7
‘Brethupp’ StarWars ROTJ EP6
'Oolin Musters' Rogue One Star wars
'White Rabbit' Alice in Wonderland
The Hobbit
‘Scale/Stunt Frodo’ LOTR
‘Main Elf’ There’s Something in the Barn
‘Scale/Stunt Frodo’ LOTR
'Main Elf' There's something in the barn
'Abu' Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark
Kiran during a test for Ewok costume
‘Jen’ Dark Crystal
'Executioner's Assistant' The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
'Monk' - TFI with Chris Evans
‘Teedo’ StarWars EP7
'Stunts' Titanic
GWR - Wing walking
'Executioner's Assistant' The Adventures of Baron Munchausen
‘Scale/Stunt Frodo’ LOTR
‘Yipsit’ StarWars EP9
Training Ewok at the front - StarWars ROTJ EP6
'Ginarrbrik' The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
‘Scale/Stunt Merry’ LOTR
Doctor Who (Listen)
Creatures - Star Wars EP7
'Goblin Scribe' The Hobbit
'White Rabbit' Alice in Wonderland
'Tonga' Sherlock Holmes A Sign of Four
Kiran during a test for Ewok costume